Monday, November 14, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

Science fair

1. Hypothesis?
If a child sleeps less than 4 hours a day and shows symptoms of night terror they're grades in school would have a noticeable decrease than a child who sleeps a regular 12 hours?

Dependent- The students grades
Independent- The students sleeping pattern or signs of night terror
Control Variables- THe hours that a child slept

3. Connection
The experiment would aid me in the search for my answer in finding the most effective way to help in the development of a child as sleeping patterns of a minor could play a crucial role in a childs education which with this experiment i hope to answer.
4. Performing the experiment

With the help from my service learner first i will get the grades from all the students in the class and from there i will interview and average of students between the highest grades and lowest grades in class, I will ask them questions like how many hours do you sleep at home or do you have trouble sleeping at night or any complications when I gather that data i will have the teacher ask the students to keep a sleeping log for the students which they will have to fill out for about three to four weeks recording how many hours they slept at night and if they had any nightmares, after i get this data and gather i will hopefully find two type of groups between regular sleeping students and the kids that stay up throughout the night and from this and the grades i hope to prove my hypothesis.

5. Category

My science experiment will fall under behaivoral/Social Science